Saturday, December 15, 2012

Coming Attractions?

The market gave up again today. AAPL hit $506 again. I guess I'm not surprised, especially since I have the 401(k) and 403(b) money parked.

I finally put a tight stop on all of my ARR shares after some talk about NLY got me spooked. It sold. I have a low-ball limit buy order in place should it spike down significantly. I took a small loss on most of my shares, but the dividends get me back around even.

1 comment:

  1. I bought AAPL at $563 as a hedge for my MSFT position (in case everyone wanted an iXmas only). Well that was dumb. At $509 looks like a real bargain but I am not buying more in case the computers want to really shake us out. My guess is that it is a combination of tax gain selling for people with multi year gains and Hedge fund liquidation and a small sprinkle of manipulation. If it cracks $500 on high volume, that may be a good thing even though it would be painful, it may spell the end of the selling. Tomorrow should be fun.
