Saturday, April 27, 2013

Messy Oil

The puts for the GLD credit spread expired worthless, +25.2%.

I'm still struggling with some of my earlier, more expensive oil positions. My CVI shares were stopped out, -7.4%, and some of my nearly worthless $10 May KOG calls sold, -80.6%.

I bought shares in ROSE.

Except for the oil stocks and options, everything else is looking pretty good, particularly BA, DCIX, AAPL, and MPW.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trigger Happy

AAPL opened up and looked like it was moving up, so I covered tomorrow's $405 short calls while I could still show a profit on them. They were ITM and I had decided to keep my long June calls anyway. Then AAPL started moving lower of course. Frustrating. +19.9%.

The DVA shares hit the 4% trailing stop, +2.6%. They report Monday.

I bought more NNN shares and some more June KOG calls. There's been some significant buying of KOG pre-market lately. I think someone has decided to take a position.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pick Carefully

Wow, You either did well or poorly today with strong moves in both directions. CRZO was up 5.2% along with CVI, OAS and KOG. AAPL recovered for a small loss by the end of the day.

AWAY disappointed yesterday evening so I bought the short calls back this morning, +200% on the repurchase cost.

I sold ESRX calls for a bull call spread conversion.

I bought FLT shares.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Selling the Rally

I sold the KOG puts that held my shares delta-neutral until KOG could find a bottom (hopefully), +29.4%. Fingers crossed that KOG moves up from here.

I sold in-the-money calls against my May calls for HEP and VRTU. I sold OTM calls against my July AWAY calls. I bought June BA calls.

It looks like the APPL earnings report disappointed some - the stock is again below $400 after hours (for what that's worth) after closing at $406.13 (above my $405 short call for Friday). That's fine by me as I'd just as soon keep selling the weeklies.

Monday, April 22, 2013

New Day, New Stocks

I was a little disappointed with my sale of the OAS shares and especially the buy-to-cover of the CRZO shares. They both moved against me at the open, then reversed somewhat.

I bought SNTS shares, and calls for FUL.

I sold this Friday's $405 AAPL calls against my June $330s. I'm hoping the $405s expire OTM, but if not, that will be okay too.

I thought my KOG puts were going to sell today but didn't. I was ready to take that profit and wait for the stock to rebound.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 2013 Expiry

Yesterday I bought shares in O and both shares and calls (different accounts) for AWAY and VRTU.

The OTM April URI calls I sold against my June $40s expired out of the money, reducing the cost for the latter by 10%.

The April $35 OAS calls I mean to sell but instead bought because of haste and stupidity expired worthless, -100%. That should have been 100% gain. Grrr.

Friday I sold 1/3 of the OAS shares delivered from the April $30s leaving me to cover the remainder. OAS recovered some Friday. Closed Monday, -70.3%.

My CRZO butterfly expired leaving me some shares to buy-to-cover. Closed Monday, +77.8%.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


REGN hit the 6% TSL trigger so it's gone, +9.4%. They report next Monday.

I bought more ARR shares.

I expected more of a sell-off when AAPL pierced $400, but it seems to find some support so I bought some deep ITM June calls.

Tomorrow my CRZO butterfly expires, probably in the green. My accidentally purchased (rather than sold) $35 OAS calls will likely expire worthless, and the $30's have lost 2/3s of their value. The short leg of the URI calendar spread should expire worthless, then I can sell some OTM May calls against my June calls.


SLRC was (finally) stopped out yesterday, -9.3% plus dividends. Better late than never I guess.

I added more ESRX calls and sold a bull put spread on GLD for next Friday.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More Sells

AI was stopped out on Monday, -0.1% not including dividends.

PRAA was close to its stops Tuesday morning but the market was set to rebound so I kept the TSL orders in place. PRAA gapped down at the open and sold, +0.8% and +12.3%.

Friday, April 12, 2013


MPW gapped down big again this morning, I'm so glad the other positions were closed early. I'm not sweating the small positions so I bought some May and July calls. Not that I'm expecting it to go back where it was anytime soon, but any rebound will be profitable. BofA downgraded MPW to underperform but the earnings estimates are holding. So am I.

I bought more JAZZ shares - they closed up.

My EXLS shares hit the 3% trailing stop, +14.5%.

I didn't see OIH holding through next week so I sold my $3 spread for $2.93, +12.4%.

I sold 2/3 of my SMS shares, the ones with the highest cost. -4.8%. I'll look for a better entry point down the road.

I sold some CRZO options (butterfly) expecting that it will move one way or the other from here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Selling and Buying the Same Stock

MPW had an odd day. The dividend posted to my accounts then the stock dropped at the open, tripping my tight 3% trailing stop loss orders, closing out positions at +22% and +14% (not counting dividends). As it turns out, I had staged orders to buy MPW for two other accounts pre-market. So why not buy it on sale? We'll see how things shake out. At least now the big money is off the table ... it was 6x the new stake.

I also bought shares in NNN and calls in HEP based on new stock screens. I was also going to add onto my JAZZ position but got distracted.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Me of Little Faith

I bought CTRX calls and stock today. So far so good.

I sold OTM URI calls against my June calls for a calendar spread.

I tried to catch falling knife HMA using some calls but only slowed it down a little (and got blood all over my portfolio).

I meant to sell April OAS calls (for a spread) but instead bought 'em. Oops.

And overall, what a day. So many things I shouldn't have sold.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Selling, Part 7

The FLT shares hit the stops, +6.1%.

I sold some of my June KOG calls, -46.6%. I still like the prospects but have to wait to see where KOG bottoms before I load up again.

I bought June KOG puts to go delta neutral with my KOG shares for the time being.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sell Off

The trailing stops kicked in today. PSEC positions closed out at -6.9% and -5.5%, not including dividends. TICC closed at -6.6% (sans dividends), and HMA at +16.8%.

I executed the last of my MPW calls, +46.7%.

I bought calls for ESRX when a low limit order triggered (and still paid too much).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Let's see ... I sold calls for a bull call spread conversion of my OIH calls. That should return 17.6% less commissions.

I exercised and sold half of my MPW calls, +49.6%.

I closed out the SLV calls I rolled from March to this Friday, -76.8%. My bad luck with silver and gold is confirmed once again.

A low limit order triggered and I bought some more SMS shares.

CVI looked like it had bottomed as it launched out first thing this morning. It closed down 5.3%. It had plenty of company though ... my CRZO was down 4.7% along with KOG and OAS, down 1.8% each.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sell First, Ask Questions Later

About 1/3 of my KOG shares got stopped out, +0.86%.

I sold my April HMA calls, +37.6%.

My buy order for more SMS shares filled.

This market's action is making me nervous so I'll continue to sell to protect profits and raise cash.