Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Planning for More Downside

There was no getting away from a bad open this morning, and I decided to plan for more of the same. DNS -77, -32, -12.


My plan was to lighten up on my best picks and plan to re-enter at a better price, and to sell off weaker holdings.

I sold 1/3 of my MCP holdings, -11.75%. I figured it was due to give back some of its recent gains, and I want to add more at a lower price.

I sold both of my HUN positions, -29.0% and -3.5%. Recent gains coupled with declining sales and institutional selling made it a sell.

I sold all of my PVH shares,-2.7%. There's some institutional selling but mostly I expect it to drop and I can get a better entry price.

Reversal alerts: (7) hlr script, (16) t2 script.

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